Serving Our Communities is a Priority

At For Such a Time as This, the quality and the love for serving our communities is a priority. For the past six months, we have been working for our communities and preparing our space as we are approaching the Hurricane season. The process has been very gratifying as we see everything changing and visualizing the amount of the work we do and the outcomes. One of the most important goals in the near future is to become a center to empower our kids and youth through education.

After two hurricanes, earthquakes, economic devastation and Pandemic times, Puerto Rico’s situation is complicated. For Such a Time as This has helped many families and communities. For example, a mom with 3 kids living in extreme poverty. We provided first needs articles,furniture and food, also we have supported a young man to start a new life after a mental breakdown. As those two situations we have helped many mores. At the same time, we distributed food boxes for families and individuals.

It is a joy for us to work and serve our communities. We are beyond grateful to each one of you, happy to call you partners!! Blessings!



When Obstacles Arise


Bringing Joy to Every Home